About Us
The Cartier Regional Water Co-op owns and operates 2 main water treatment facilities, 10 rural reservoirs, 2 booster stations, 7 truckfill stations, and over 230 km of transmission line. The owned reservoir at Peony Farm in Portage la Prairie is supplied with water produced at the city of Portage la Prairie water treatment facility. The CRWC owned and operated water treatment facilities strive to provide high-quality drinking water in sufficient quantity to meet public demand. It is our goal to do so in a safe, cost-effective manner while remaining in compliance with the regulatory requirements governing the provision of drinking water.

Regional Distribution
The Cartier regional distribution system is comprised of 4, 477 service connections serving a population of greater than 13,100 people in 8 different rural municipalities; the RM of Cartier, RM of Portage la Prairie, RM of St. François Xavier, RM of Headingley, RM of Grey, RM of Rockwood, RM of Rosser, and the RM of West St. Paul.